dr. divi chandna


I help clients tap into their intuition and understand how their thoughts, emotions, and stories sustain unhealthy relationship patterns and create chronic health issues. Let's chat!

Book A Complimentary Discovery Call

dr. divi chandna


I help clients tap into their intuition and understand how their thoughts, emotions, and stories sustain unhealthy relationship patterns and create chronic health issues. Let's chat!

Book A Complimentary Discovery Call

Introductory Class

6pm - 8pm PST In-Person


Join Dr divi for an introduction to her work where you will learn:

  • Why you get in your own way
  • How the subconscious works
  • How to begin to heal deep patterns, and 
  • How to start to live the life of your dreams!

This is for anyone who wants more out of life, who feels stuck and wants to thrive. You could have health or relationships or money issues.

All of these issues are talked about in Divi’s introductory class.

You will leave feeling more free, more peaceful, more insightful, and  more in love with your life!

Let’s deepen your healing journey!

Dr. Divi will teach, do intuitive readings, and you will laugh, cry, heal, and dive deeper!

Reserve My Spot

Evolving Beyond Powerlessness 

July 27th at Werklab Inc.


A powerful day of movement, intuitive guidance, art, and breathwork to connect to your heart and be in loving community.

Spend a day stepping into YOUR true power! It is TIME to shift, evolve and grow. Every human on the planet is being asked to level up and shine. Are you ready?

It is time to step out of the costume of "I dont know" or "I'm afraid" or "I just don't know how." Into the TRUE power that you were born with. If you are ready for this journey, then join us for a one-day event that will change you forever!

 Join us for:

  • Intuitive Readings with Divi Chandna
  • Intuitive Art and Energy Healing from Vince Luciani
  • Movement and Sound Bath with Laura Di Giovanni, and 
  • Breathwork with Krystal Charlotte

Don't miss out on this EXTRAORDINARY experience!

Sign Me Up!

"The Divi Experience"

Listen to what some clients have to say about their experiences working with Dr. Divi.


Featured On

Book an Introductory 30-minute Complimentary  Session


See Schedule

I'm Dr. Divi Chandna

I'm an MD turned Intuitive Coach and internationally recognized expert in Mind-Body Medicine. I work with clients and students to facilitate self-healing and I'm so honoured you are here.

I believe the path to health, happiness & abundance is INSIDE of us. 

Heal your patterns and wounds by working through your busy mind & emotions. You'll be empowered to tap into your intuition, rewrite your stories, and heal your pain. Join me and finally feel alive and rejuvenated.

My focus is on supporting individuals with unhealthy mental patterns like anxiety, depression, and relationship dysfunction. Additionally, I work with those who are ready to address the source of their chronic health issues and achieve true healing


More About Dr. Divi




"Your work is life changing! It has single handedly altered how I see the world and all the negatives have become positives. Confidence in myself and my ability to navigate all that may come my way makes me feel empowered and has created an experience of ease."


"One visit with Dr Chandna can be life changing. Her abilities, wisdom and healing powers can move you through the biggest internal obstacles with both ease and grace. Am profoundly grateful to receive one of her healing sessions"


"Thank you Divi and Ed for creating a safe space. Your office space is filled with love and acceptance. It is so different than any other doctor’s office I have ever walked into. You two are truly healers. Thank you for coming to Vancouver."

"I attended Dr. Divi's weekend workshop, and it has truly changed my life forever. I feel so lucky for any chance I have to be in the same environment as Dr. Divi. I've done a ton of personal development workshops, and her work is nothing like I've ever experienced. It's in a completely different realm. 
Going into the weekend workshop, I had a ton of fear around using my intuition from earlier life experiences. That was completely released in a few minutes in one session of receiving coaching from her. I am now fully stepping into the power of my intuition and abilities without any hesitation or fear.
She helped me unlock something and it's setting me on an entirely new trajectory for my life, and I'm beyond excited for this next chapter. It was the most transformative, and mind blowing experience of my life. Thank you!"
What Clients Say About Dr. Divi


Whistler Retreat 

Join this 5-day  transformational retreat September 19-23.

 Are you ready for a retreat surrounded by nature?
Are you ready to heal your deep stories?
Are you ready to live the life of your dreams?
Are you ready to take your life to new heights?


This program is for you if: 

  • You ready to live your life to its fullest! 
  • You are ready to experience miracles everyday.
  • You are wanting more energy, more vitality, more love, more money.. MORE!
  • You are ready to dive into your own stories and see what is blocking you.
  • You are open to being catered to
  • You are ready to blend Spiritual Transformation with beautiful luxury and TLC...
  • Well then join us!


Reserve My Spot!

Soul Renewal  Retreat at Horseshoe Bay

August 24th 9am-8pm


Are you ready to truly LIVE? This workshop is for you if you are ready to:

  • Realize your true potential and gifts
  • Dream bigger, bolder, and fiercer
  • Bring your gifts to life on the planet
  • Experience freedom in your expansion
  • Live beyond your wildest dreams
  • Step into your True Mastery

    In the workshop you will:

    • Dream bigger, bolder & fiercer
    • Deep dive into YOU
    • Step into your true potential
    • Move your blocks out of the way
    • Heal the traumas
    • Leave aligned, refreshed & renewed! 

    This workshop is for those who are READY and are playing in the world to succeed! This workshop will leave you feeling seen, supported & truly held in a container of infinite love and potential.

Reserve my spot!

Ease into Clarity podcast with Dr. Divi

Learn from me weekly, where I will share life tools, life skills, life techniques, and intuition to help you with your daily challenges. Everyone's got it.

Learn More

Watch my TEDx Talk




Studies show that stress is a primary factor in

80-90% of illness

How exactly does this mental state lead to a physical manifestation of dis-ease? Is there anything we can do about it?

Book Dr. Divi for your next event!

Dr. Divi is a celebrated author, frequent media guest and has presented her information as a TED-X speaker.

Interviews & Webinars


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Free Meditation Challenge

Get a sneak peak into the Body Mind Soul daily practice. Wake up to a new meditation for you to start your day with. Tell your friends and family to create massive shifts in your community. 

I'm Ready to Shift